
Wednesday 19 February 2020

What will happen when Jio and Airtel will be the only players in Telecomm Market?

What will happen when Jio and Airtel will be the only players in Telecomm Market?

              Since from 5 September 2016 (Jio became publicly available), Jio started giving internet at a very low cost and from that day to the present day it has grown exponentially. 
  • The first reason of Jio's growth: Very low rates, in comparison to the other players in the market.
  • Second reason fo Jio's growth: 4G connectivity at low cost. I still remember the day when I used to pay around Rs. 600 for 5GB 3G data for one month. 
  • Third reason: Free SIM. Previously subscribers used to pay to buy SIM as well as so-called validity for the month or two. As soon as Jio came to market it started giving SIM at zero cost.
  • Ease of activation of SIM card: 2016 was the year in which usage of Aadhar card was at its peak for activating SIM cards and this process was easier than the previous methods.
                   Being a multi-billionaire company, though it has given so many benefits to its users by not just giving access to 4G but with its additional services such as Jio Cloud, Jio Music(Jio Saavan), Jio Tv, Jio Movies etc. 
                    But, now, as it has consumed other competitors from the market except Airtel, and Vodafone-Idea and Vodafone-Idea is in debt of $13 billion in total, it may happen that either it will stop operating in India or maybe it will pay.
                  Soon, Jio and Airtel will rule the Telecomm sector in India and they are going to raise the prices and no competitor will be there to compete. Both are going to earn the profit mutually and once again common people of this country are going to suffer.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Corona Virus In India.


Corona Virus In India

The death toll from a new coronavirus outbreak surged past 2200 on Thursday as the World Health Organization warned infected people who have not travelled to China could be the spark for a "bigger fire". More than 90,000 have been infected by the virus globally.

First things first:
Meanwhile, Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan on Monday said that the Centre is taking full-fledged preventive measures with respect to the coronavirus outbreak.
India has screened 1,118 flights so far, said govt on February 17.
DGCA has exempted flight crews from Breath Analyser (BA) tests for 15 days at Kerala's Calicut, Kannur, Trivandrum and Cochin airports in the wake of novel coronavirus outbreak.
3252 people under observation in Kerala for Coronavirus
Corona virus in india, wuhan china
Over 1.9 lakh passengers screened for Coronavirus at airports, 9,452 persons under surveillance: MoH
The Ministry of Health (MoH) on Wednesday issued a revised travel advisory in wake of novel Coronavirus outbreak and said extending visas, including already issued eVisa, are no longer valid for any foreign national travelling from China.
Existing visas, including already issued eVisa, no longer valid for any foreign national travelling from China.
DGCA okays "restricted use" of a combination of drugs used widely for controlling HIV infection.

5 questions answered

How many under surveillance?

As of Feb 10, 1818 flights and 1,97,192 passengers were screened so far at 21 Airports. 9,452 persons are presently under community surveillance in 32 states and UTs. 1,510 samples have been tested and 1,507 of them were found negative except for 3 samples which had tested positive already from Kerala.

What's new in Kerala?

The three students who tested positive are stable. A total of 1,999 people, who have a travel history from China and other affected countries, are under observation in Kerala, of whom 75 are in isolation wards of various hospitals. The remaining 1,924 are under home quarantine and have been asked to not go out in public until the end of the 28-day incubation period.

Any cases of isolation?

A 28-year-old man from UP's Utraula has been kept in isolation ward. The man is a medical student in China and had returned to India 15 days ago. His sample has been sent to King George's Medical University in Lucknow.

What is Centre doing?

A fresh travel advisory has been issued urging everyone to refrain from travelling to China, saying intended visitors from China might apply afresh for an Indian visa. Besides, from now on, anyone with a history of travel to China since January 15, 2020, could be quarantined.

Any Indians left in Wuhan?

India evacuated around 647 Indians from Wuhan, the Chinese city from where the virus started spreading.

Are airlines still flying to China?

Air India, other Indian airlines suspend flights to China Air India, IndiGo and other Indian airlines have said they will suspend flights to China over the coronavirus risks. Air India said it is suspending its Delhi-Hong Kong flight from February 8, hours after the authorities there confirmed the death of a patient with the new coronavirus. Earlier, IndiGo suspended all three flights between India and China. Air India suspended its Delhi-China Flights.

Screening wards in India

In Delhi: Manesar camp is already monitoring those who have come from China. Ram Manohar Lohia, AIIMS and Safdarjung hospitals in the capital have also readied isolation facilities.
In Mumbai: Two Mumbai hospitals namely, Kasturba hospital and Pune's Naidu hospital- have been dedicated for suspected patients in the state.
In Karnataka: The state government has placed border districts of Dakshina Kannada, Kodagu, Chamarajnagar and Mysuru under novel coronavirus surveillance following three positive cases in neighbouring Kerala. At Mangaluru International Airport, a health unit comprising doctors and assistants have been formed to screen passengers. An isolation ward with ten beds has been set up at the Government Wenlock Hospital to treat patients with the symptoms.
In Manipur: Five centres have been opened in different border towns of the state and at the Imphal International Airport to screen people for coronavirus.
In Mizoram: Facility opened in Mizoram where people entering through India-Myanmar border are being tested at Zokhawthar.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Amendments in Indian constitution

Important Amendments In the Indian Constitution:
Constitution of India, Important Amendements in Indian Constitution

  • 1st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1951: This amendment added Article, 15(4) and Article, 19(6) and brought changes in the right to private property in pursuance with the decision of Supreme Court concerning fundamental rights. Ninth Schedule to the Constitution was also added to it.
  • 7th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1956: Through this amendment the implementation of the State Reorganisation Act, was made possible. The categorisation of States into Part A, Part B and Part C ceased henceforth. Part C states were redesignated as Union Territories. The seats in the Rajya Sabha and in the Union and State Legislatures were reallocated. It also affected changes regarding the appointment of additional and acting judges, High Courts and their jurisdictions etc.

  • 10th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1961: Incorporated Dadra and Nagar Haveli as Union Territory.

  • 12th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1962: Inclusion of territories of Goa, Daman and Diu into the Indian Union.

  • 13th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1962: Insertion of Art. 371 A to make special provisions for the administration of the State of Nagaland.

  • 14 the Constitutional Amendment Act, 1962: Pondicherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yenam, the former French territories, were specified in the Constitution as the Union Territory of Pondicherry (now Puducherry). Enabled the UTs of Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Goa, Daman and Diu and Pondicherry to have Legislatures and Council of Ministers.

  • 15th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1963: lt raised the age of retirement of a High Court Judge from 60 to 62. Extended the jurisdiction of a High Court to issue writs under Art. 226 to a Government or authority situated outside its territorial jurisdiction where the cause of action arises within such jurisdiction.

  • 16th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1963: Changes were effected in Art. 19 to enable the Parliament to make laws providing reasonable restrictions on the freedom of expression in the larger interests of sovereignty and integrity of India. Amendments were made in the form of oath contained in the third Schedule with emphasis on upholding the sovereignty and integrity of India.

  • 19th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1966: Art. 324 was amended to clarify the duties of the Election Commission. It deprived the Election Commission of the power to appoint election tribunals for deciding election disputes of members of Parliament and State Legislatures.

  • 21st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1967: The Sindhi language was included as a 15th regional language in the Eighth Schedule.

  • 24th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971: It was a retaliatory act of the Parliament to neutralise the effect of the judgement in Golak Nath Case. It affirmed the parliament's power to amend any part of the Constitution, including Fundamental Rights by amending Arts. 368 and 13. It made obligatory for the President to give assent to Amendment Bills when they are presented to him/her.

  • 25 the Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971 (came into force on 20.04.1972): It restricted the jurisdiction of the Courts over acquisition laws with regard to the adequacy of Compensation. This amendment came primarily in the wake of Bank Nationalisation case and the word 'amount' was substituted in place of 'compensation' in Article 31.

    • It also provided that no law passed by the State to give effect to Directive Principles specified under clauses (b) and (c) of Art. 39 can be declared void on the ground that it was inconsistent with Fundamental Rights conferred by Arts. 14, 19 and 31.

  • 26th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1971: This amendment withdrew the recognition to the rulers of Princely States and their privy purses were abolished.

  • 30th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1972 (w.e.f. 27.02.1973): It provided that only such appeals can be brought to the Supreme Court which involve a substantial question of law. The valuation aspect of Rs. 20,000 for appeals in civil cases to the Supreme Court was abolished.

  • 31st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1973: By this amendment, the seats of the Lok Sabha was increased from 525 to 545 but reduced the representation of UTs in Lok Sabha from 25 to 20.

  • 35th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1974 (w.e.f. 01.03.1975): Accorded status of Associate State to Sikkim by ending its protectorate kingdom status which was a novel concept introduced in the Constitution.

  • 36th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1975: Made Sikkim a full-fledged State of the Union of India.

  • 38th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1975: Clarified that declaration of emergency by the President and promulgation of Ordinance by the President or Governor cannot be challenged in any Court on any ground.

  • 39th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1975: The disputes or questions regarding elections of President, Vice-President, Prime Minister and Speaker of Lok Sabha were taken out of the purview of judicial review of the Supreme Court or High Courts.

  • 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1976 (Mini Constitution): The 42nd Amendment made fundamental changes in the constitutional structure and it incorporated the words 'SOCIALIST', 'SECULAR' and 'INTEGRITY' in the Preamble. Fundamental Duties were added in Part IVA. Directive Principles were given precedence over Fundamental Rights and any law made to this effect by the Parliament was kept beyond the scope of judicial review by the Court. It made the power of Parliament supreme so far as the amendment to the Constitution was concerned. It authorised the Supreme Court to transfer certain cases from one High Court to another and redefined the writ jurisdiction of the High Courts. It provided for Administrative Tribunals for speedy justice. It empowered the Centre to deploy armed forces in any State to deal with the grave law and order situation. It authorised the President to make Proclamation of Emergency for any part of the country or to the whole of India. It made it obligatory for the President to act on the advice of the Council of Ministers. Tenure of the Lok Sabha and the State Assemblies was increased by one year.

  • 43rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1977 (w.e.f. 13.04.1978): The 43rd Amendment omitted many articles inserted by the 42nd Amendment. It restored the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and the High Courts, which had been curtailed under the 42nd Amendment.

  • 44th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1978 (w.e.f June—September 1979): The amendment was brought by the Janata Party Government which repealed some of the changes effected by 42nd Amendment, omitted a few and provided alterations. Right to property was taken away from the list of Fundamental Rights and placed in a new Art. 300A as an ordinary legal right. Constitutionality of the Proclamation of Emergency by the President could be questioned in a court on the ground of malafide (42nd Amendment had made it immune from judicial review). It brought the revocation of a Proclamation under Parliamentary control. In Article 352 regarding National Emergency, the words' internal disturbance' was substituted by the words 'armed rebellion'. It authorised the President to refer back the advice to the Council of Ministers for reconsideration but made it binding for the President to act on the reconsidered advice. The power of the Courts to decide disputes regarding the election of Prime Minister and Speaker was restored. Constitutional protection on the publication of proceedings of Parliament and State Legislatures was provided.

  • 52nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1985: This amendment was brought about during the Rajiv Gandhi regime with a view to putting an end to political defections. It added Tenth Schedule to the Constitution containing the modes for disqualification in case of defection from the Parliament or State Legislature.

  • 55th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1986 (w.e.f. 20.02.1987): The formation of Arunachal Pradesh took place with special powers given to the Governor. It also provided for a 30-member State Assembly.

  • 56th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987: Goa was made a full-fledged State with a State Assembly but Daman and Diu stayed UT

  • 57th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987: It provided for reservation of seats for Scheduled Tribes of Nagaland, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh in Lok Sabha. Seats were also reserved for the Scheduled Tribes of Nagaland and Meghalaya in the State Assemblies of Nagaland and Meghalaya.

  • 58th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1987: An authoritative text of the Constitution in Hindi was provided to the people of India by the President.

  • 59th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1988: It amended Art. 356 to provide that the declaration of Emergency may remain in operation up to 3 years and also authorised the Government to proclaim an emergency in Punjab on the ground of 'internal disturbance'. The amendment made in Art. 352 thus provided that the emergency with respect to Punjab shall operate only in that State.

  • 61st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1988 (w.e.f. 28.03.1989): It brought about an amendment to Article 326 for the reduction of voting age from 21 to 18 years.

  • 62nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1989: It increased the period of reservation of seats provided to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for another 10 years i.e. up to 2000 A.D. The reservation for Anglo-Indians through a nomination in case of their inadequate representation, was also extended up to 2000 A.D.

  • 65th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1990 (w.e.f. 12.03.1992): A National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes with wide powers was provided to take care of the cause of SCs/STs.

  • 66th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1990: This amendment provided for the inclusion of 55 new land reform Acts passed by the States into the Ninth Schedule.

  • 69th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1991 (w.e.f. 01.02.1992) : Arts. 239-AA and 239-AB were inserted in the Constitution to provide a National Capital Territory designation to Union Territory of Delhi with a legislative Assembly and Council of Ministers.

  • 70th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992: Altered Art. 54 and 368 to include members of legislative assemblies of Union Territories of Delhi and Pondicherry in the electoral college for the election of the President.

  • 71st Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992: It included Manipuri, Konkani and Nepalese languages in the 8th Schedule.

  • 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 (w.e.f. 24.04.1993): The institution of Panchayati Raj received a Constitutional guarantee, status and legitimacy. XIth Schedule was added to deal with it. It also inserted part IX, containing Arts, 243, 243A to 2430.

  • 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992 (w.e.f. 01.06.1993): Provided for constitutional sanctity to Municipalities by inserting Part IX-A, containing Arts. 243P to 243ZG and the Xllth Schedule which deals with the items concerning Municipalities.

  • 77th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1995: By this amendment a new clause 4 A was added to Art. 16 which authorised the State to make provisions for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes with regard to promotions in Government jobs.

  • 78th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1995: This amended the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution to insert 27 Land Reform Acts of various States. After this, the total number of Acts included in the Ninth Schedule went up to 284.

  • 79th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1999: Amended Art. 334 to extend the reservation of seats for SCs / STs and Anglo-Indians in the Lok Sabha and in the State Legislative Assemblies up to 60 years from the commencement of the Constitution (i.e., till 2010).

  • 80th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2000: Amended Art. 269 and substituted a new Article for Art. 270 and abolished Art. 272 of the Constitution. This was based on the recommendation of the Tenth Finance Commission. This amendment was deemed to have come into operation from 1st April 1996. The Amendment widened the scope of the Central taxes and duties on the consignment of goods levied by the Government of India and distributed among States.

  • 81st Constitutional Amendment Act, 2000: Amended Art. 16(1) of the Constitution and added a new clause (4-B) after clause (4-A) to Art. 16(1) of the Constitution. The new clause (4-B) ends the 50% ceiling on the reservation for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes in backlog vacancies.

  • 82nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2000: This amendment restored the relaxation in qualifying marks and standards of evaluation in both job reservation and promotions to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes which was set aside by a Supreme Court's judgement in 1996.

  • 84th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2001 (w.e.f. 21.02.2002): This amendment provided that till the publication of the relevant figures of the first census after 2026 the ascertainment of the population of a State for following purposes shall be made on the basis of the census shown against each of them :
    • Election of the President under Art. 55 —1971 census.
    • Allotment of seats to each State in Lok Sabha —1971 census.
    • Division of State into territorial Lok Sabha constituencies — 1991 census.
    • Composition of Legislative Assemblies under Art. 170 —1991 census.
    • Reservation of seats for SC / ST in the Lok Sabha under Art. 330 —1991 census
    • 85th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2001: It amended clause (4-A) of Art. 16 and substituted the words "in matters of promotion, with consequential seniority, to any class" for the words "in a matter of promotion to any class".
    • The amendment provided for 'consequential seniority' to the SCs /STs for promotion in government service.

  • 86th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2002: Added a new Art. 21A after. Art. 21 which makes the right of education for children of the age of 6 to 14 years a Fundamental Right. Substitutes Article 45 to direct the State to endeavour to provide early childhood care and education for all children until they complete the age of six years. Added a new Fundamental Duty to Part IV (Art. 51 A) of the Constitution.

  • 87th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003 (w.e.f. 19.02.2004): Provided that the allocation of seats in the Lok Sabha and division of each State into territorial Constituencies will be done on the basis of population as ascertained by the '2001 census' and not by '1991' census.

  • 88th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003 (w.e.f. 15.01.2004): This amendment inserted a new Article 268A after Article 268 which empowered the Union of India to levy 'service tax'.This tax shall be collected and appropriated by the Union and States in the manner as formulated by Parliament.

  • 89th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003: Provided for the establishment of a separate National Commission for Scheduled Tribes by bifurcating the existing National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. The commission shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and three other members. They shall be appointed by the President of India.

  • 90th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003: This amendment was necessitated due to the creation of Bodoland Territorial Areas District within the State of Assam by the agreement reached between the Centre and Bodo representatives for solving Bodoland problem. It stated that the representation of Scheduled Tribes and non-Scheduled Tribes in the Constitution of the Bodoland Territorial Areas District shall be maintained. It meant that the representation of the above categories shall remain the same as existed prior to the creation of Bodoland Territorial Areas District.

  • 91st Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003 (w.e.f. 01.01.2004): This amendment limits the size of Ministries at the Centre and in States. According to new Clause (1-A) the total number of Ministers, including the Prime Minister in the Union Council of Ministers or Chief Minister in the State Legislative Assemblies shall not exceed 15 per cent of the total members of the Lok Sabha in the Centre or Vidhan Sabha in the states. The new Clause (1-B) of Article 75 provides that a member of either House of Parliament belonging to any political party who is disqualified for being a member of that house on the ground of defection shall also be disqualified to be appointed as a minister under Clause (1) of Art. 75 and 164 until he is again elected. However, the number of Ministers, including the Chief Minister in a State shall not be less than 12 (in smaller States like Sikkim, Mizoram and Goa).

  • 92nd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2003 (w.e.f. 07.01.2004): It amended the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution and has inserted 4 new languages in it, namely - Bodo, Dogri, Maithili and Santhali. After this amendment, the total number of constitutionally recognised official languages has become 22.

  • 93rd Constitutional Amendment Act, 2005 (w.e.f. 20.01.2006): Provided reservation in admissions in private unaided educational institutions for students belonging to scheduled castes/tribes and other backward classes.
                   There are provisions in the Constitution to ensure the independence of the judiciary.
The Constitution of India has adopted a balance between the American system* of Judicial Supremacy and the British principle of Parliamentary Supremacy.
                   The most remarkable feature of the Indian Constitution is that being a federal Constitution it acquires a unitary character during the time of emergency.
                   Under the Indian Constitution, every adult above 18 years of age has been given the right to elect representatives for the legislature without prescribing any qualification based either on sex, property, education or the like.
                   A distinctive feature of the Indian Constitution is that it provides for the establishment of a Secular State. Regardless of their religious beliefs, all Indian citizens enjoy equal rights.
                  The State cannot discriminate against anyone on the ground of religion or caste, nor can it compel anybody to pay taxes for the support of any particular religion.
                  The Indian Constitution has a special reservation of seats for the Scheduled Castes and Tribes in public appointments and in educational institutions and in the Union and State Legislatures.
                  An outstanding feature of the Constitution is Panchayati Raj. The idea for organising village Panchayats was provided in the Constitution under Article 40 of Part IV which received Constitutional legitimacy through the 73rd Amendment to the Indian Constitution.
  • 94th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2006: Excluded Bihar from the provision of Clause (1) of Art. 164 of the constitution which provides that there shall be a minister in charge of tribal welfare who may, in addition, be in charge of the welfare of the Scheduled Castes and backward classes in Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa (now Odisha). It extends the provisions of clause (l) of Art. 164 to the newly formed States of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.

  • 95th Constitutional Amendment Act, 2009: Extended the reservation of seats for SCs and STs in the Lok Sabha and State assemblies by another 10 years (beyond January 25, 2010). The time period of 60 years under Art. 334 of the constitution was to lapse on January 25, 2010. Through this amendment in Art. 334 the words 'sixty years' has been substituted by 'seventy years'.

Oct 4 all current affairs

1. Government Names Rajnish Kumar as SBI's Next Chairman

i. The Government named Rajnish Kumar as the new chairman of State Bank of India, for a three-year term. Kumar will succeed Arundhati Bhattacharya.
ii. At present, Rajnish Kumar is one of the managing directors of SBI. The Banks Board Bureau (BBB) had interviewed four managing directors for the post at the end of June and had recommended a name to the government. The government had extended Bhattacharya’s tenure for a year, with effect from October 7, 2016.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • SBI is headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

2. Fourth Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement Released by RBI

i. On the basis of an assessment of the current and evolving macroeconomic situation at its meeting, the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) decided to keep the policy repo rate under the liquidity adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged at 6.0 percent.
ii. Consequently, the Reverse Repo Rate (RRR) under the LAF remains at 5.75 percent, and the Marginal Standing Facility (MSF) rate and the Bank Rate at 6.25 percent. The projection of real Gross Value Added (GVA) growth for 2017-18 has been revised down to 6.7 percent from the August 2017 projection of 7.3 percent, with risks evenly balanced.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • Dr Urjit Patel is the 24th Governor of RBI.
  • RBI Headquarters in Mumbai.

3. 2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Announced

i. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 to Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson "for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high-resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution". 
ii. About three winners-
1. Jacques Dubochet is from University of Lausanne, Switzerland
2. Joachim Frank is from Columbia University, New York, USA
3. Richard Henderson is from MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • The 2017 Nobel medicine prize went to three Americans- Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young.
  • The 2017 Nobel Physics Prize has been awarded to Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory.

4. First US Crude Oil Shipment Arrives in Paradip

i. The first US crude oil cargo of 1(point)6 million barrels bought by Indian Oil Corporation from the US reached Paradip Port, Odisha. Indian Oil will process the crude at its East-Coast base refineries, located at Paradip, Haldia, Barauni and Bongaigaon.
ii. Indian Oil, which became the first Indian public sector refiner to source US crude has placed a cumulative order 3.9 million barrel from the US.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • Naveen Patnaik is the Present CM of Odisha.

5. Chairman NHAI Launches New Website and PMIS Mobile App 

i. The Chairman of National Highways Authority of India Shri Deepak Kumar launched a world-class, new multilingual website of the organization. He also launched a Project Monitoring Information System (PMIS) Moblie App that will facilitate close, in-house monitoring of NHAI projects on a mobile phone.
ii. To ensure timely delivery of its projects, the NHAI is now digitally monitoring them through a state-of-the-art Project Monitoring Information System (PMIS).

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • Mr Nitin Gadkari is the Cabinet minister of Road Transport and Highways.

6. Soumya Swaminathan, New Deputy Director General at WHO

i. The World Health Organization (WHO) appointed Soumya Swaminathan one of two Deputy Directors General. This is the first time such a post has been ever created within the organisation. The position is also the highest post held by an Indian in the WHO.
ii. Dr Swaminathan is currently the Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). She has been appointed as Deputy Director General for Programmes and Ms Jane Ellison, who was Special Parliamentary Adviser to the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, has been appointed as a Deputy Director General for Corporate Operations (DDC).

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is the WHO’s Director General.
  • WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

7. Karnataka Launches mid-day Meals Scheme for Pregnant Women

i. The Karnataka government launched the Rs. 302-crore Mathru Poorna scheme, aimed at providing free mid-day meals to pregnant and lactating women in rural areas.
ii. The meals, which will be provided in Anganwadi centres, will include an egg, rice, pulses, vegetables, and milk. This is aimed at reducing child malnutrition and in turn curb infant mortality. 

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • The Governor of Karnataka is Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala.
  • The Chief Minister of Karnataka is Siddaramaiah.

8. Country’s First ITI for Divyangans in Assam

i. Foundation stone for the first ever Industrial Training Institute for the Divyangans exclusively was laid at Dibrugarh ITI Complex at Borboruah, Dibrugarh by Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal.
ii. As per the guidelines of National Council for Vocational Training, the ITI will have sixty seats for three different trades with 20 seats per trade. The three different trades included in the curriculum are Computer Operator and Programming Assistant, Cutting and Sewing Technology and Hair & Skin Care.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • Prof. Jagdish Mukhi is the new Governor of Assam.

9. Russia Launches ‘World’s Biggest & Most Powerful’ Nuclear Icebreaker

i. Russia has launched the world's largest nuclear-powered icebreaker ship in a bid to expand its strategic presence in the resource-rich, terrain of the Arctic.
ii. The massive vessel, named Sibir (Siberia), was developed as part of a huge push by the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation to open up crucial shipping lanes in the icy Northern Sea Route.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • The Capital of Russia is Moscow. 
  • The President of Russia is Vladimir Putin.

10. GDP to Hit $6 trillion by 2027 on Digital Leap: Morgan Stanley Report

i. India is likely to be the world’s fastest-growing large economy in the next 10 years, driven by digitisation, favourable demographics, globalisation and reforms, according to the Morgan Stanley report.
ii. According to the global financial services major, the trend line in India’s annual GDP growth has been accelerating to 6.9 percent in 2000s, from 5.8 percent in the 1990s.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • Morgan Stanley expects digitisation will provide an enhancement of 50-75 bps to GDP growth and forecast that India will grow to a 6-trillion-dollar economy and achieve upper-middle income status by 2026-27.

11. Bangladesh Signs $4.5-bn Loan Deal With India

i. Bangladesh signed a $4.5 billion third line of credit (LoC) agreement with India for its infrastructure and social sector development. The agreement was signed in the presence of Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and his Bangladeshi counterpart A M A Muhith.
ii. Economic Relations Division Secretary Kazi Shofiqul Azam signed the deal on behalf of Bangladesh while Managing Director of the Export-Import Bank of India (Exim) David Rasquinha signed for India.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • Sheikh Hasina is the PM of Bangladesh.
  • Abdul Hamid is the President of Bangladesh.

12. Param Shah Appointed as FICCI UK Director

i. The apex industry body, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) announced the appointment of Param Shah as the new Director for the United Kingdom (UK) operations.
ii. Shah will succeed Pratik Dattani whose tenure with FICCI ended recently.

13. Airtel Gets Approval for Tigo Merger

i. Bharti Airtel has received Ghana’s National Communications Authority’s approval for the merger between Bharti Ghana (Airtel) and Millicom Ghana (Tigo), subject to certain conditions.
ii. This merger will result in an entity which will be the second largest mobile network operations in the country.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • Accra is the Capital of Ghana.
  • Ghanaian cedi is the Currency of Ghana.

14. Important Cabinet Approvals- 04th October 2017

i. The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given the following set of approvals. The full list of Cabinet Approvals is given as follows.
ii. The Cabinet has approved-

  1. The Extradition Treaty between India and Lithuania- The Treaty would provide a legal framework for seeking extradition of terrorists, economic offenders and other criminals from and to Lithuania,
  2. The MoU between India and Switzerland on Technical Cooperation in Rail Sector,
  3. MoU on Upgradation of the Women’s Police Training Centre at Yamethin, Myanmar,
  4. Cabinet approved the renaming of Kandla Port as Deendayal Port.

15. 2018 Commonwealth Games Baton Arrived in New Delhi

i. The Queen's Baton for the 2018 Commonwealth Games arrived in New Delhi, India. The 2018 Commonwealth Games will be held in Australia. The Baton was received by Indian Olympic Association (IOA) joint secretary Rakesh Gupta and it will travel to Agra.
ii. It will then be taken to Nainital in Uttarakhand on October 5. The main CWG Baton Relay event will be held on October 8 at the Major Dhyan Chand National Stadium.

Important Takeaways from Above News-

  • The Baton reached India from Pakistan. From India, the Baton will be taken to Bangladesh on October 9.
  • The 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games was the sixth edition of the Commonwealth Youth Games held in South Africa.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspectors in CISF Examination, 2017 - Result of Paper-I.

Recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police, CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspectors in CISF Examination, 2017 - Result of Paper-I.

PDF, FEMALE candidates:

PDF, MALE candidates:

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Friday 24 February 2017

Innovation is dying, WhatsApp copied Snapchat and Instagram Stories sharing feature..

Innovation is dying, WhatsApp copies Snapchat and Instagram Stories sharing feature..
The new WhatsApp Status feature allows users to share pictures, videos, and GIFs with their contacts, which will disappear after 24 hours. Sounds familiar? It should. The feature is an exact clone of Instagram Stories, which in turn emulated Snapchat's feature of the same name. Unlike the other two features though, the new WhatsApp Status will incorporate the same end-to-end encryption enjoyed by the app's traditional messages.
‘Status’ will receive its own tab, located between the ‘Calls’ and ‘Chats’ tabs, in the WhatsApp UI. Within it, users will be able to view their contacts' recent status updates and the replies they've received on their own status. Users also have the option to tweak their privacy settings to make their status visible only to specific people; and by deleting their status, users can remove it from their contacts' phones, regardless of whether they've already viewed it or not.
WhatsApp has initiated the roll-out of the new status feature in Europe and it will soon be made available to WhatsApp users on iOS, Android, and Windows platforms across the world.
Status update
WhatsApp Status, despite being the founding principle behind the app, is arguably the most inconsequential feature of the messaging platform. While certain users constantly update it with the same frequency they post Facebook status updates, a large number either select one of the default statuses like ‘Hey there, I'm using WhatsApp’ or ‘Available’, while others set it once and forget about it for a while. But the company, which will celebrate its eighth birthday on February 24, wants to change this.
Mark Zuckerberg has announced his vision of a video-first social media strategy and the recent revamping of Facebook and its subsidiaries reflects this paradigm-shift. Facebook Live and Instagram Stories have been a runaway hit and the Instagram feature, in particular, has stolen a large chunk of Snapchat's user base. A similar feature on WhatsApp — which, with a user base of over a billion, dwarves both Instagram and Snapchat in number of daily users — will probably spell doom for the company that came up with the idea in the first place.
The new WhatsApp Status feature also opens a new opportunity for its parent-company Facebook to increase revenue through advertising, which hit $5.7 billion in the first half of 2016. But the fact that WhatsApp is a no-nonsense messaging app, devoid of unnecessary frills, is its biggest appeal. How the new Status feature, which will predictably open the marketing and advertising floodgates, will play out with its users remains to be seen.

What will happen when Jio and Airtel will be the only players in Telecomm Market?

What will happen when Jio and Airtel will be the only players in Telecomm Market?               Since from  5 September 2016 (Jio ...